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Diablo 4 has a wide variety of gear for the player to earn through defeating enemies across Sanctuary. As the player levels up they will receive gold that can be used to upgrade various parts of their equipment from the items that directly affect them to where they store all those extra unique items.

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While some items are worth upgrading, there are plenty of things that players will earn that are better off in their usual state, and no materials need to be wasted on them for upgrades. It's always important to be careful about not losing valuable resources, hence why it's good to know which resources are not worth the upgrade.

6 Starting Equipment Gets Replaced Quickly

A player looking at their starting armor in Diablo 4

This may seem obvious to some players though it should still be discussed. The player doesn't need to upgrade the items they start the game with or anything they find in the beginning prologue. This armor isn't only weak but also lacks any useful stats that are sure to help the player in some way as they explore Sanctuary.

It's also possible that a player wouldn't even have any resources available to them at this point to even upgrade their entire character's armor to the point of being useful. During a player's start, the grind for levels as well as just advancing through the story will provide the player with plenty of alternatives for armor that won't require them to be taken to the Blacksmith.

5 Third Eye Elixirs Aren't That Useful

A player looking at the Third Eye Elixir at the Alchemist in Diablo 4

While some Elixirs and incense are useful to the player to buff their defenses or increase their damage, some potions are better off being unused or simply created at their weakest state. One prime example of this is the Third Eye Elixir which increases the player's dodge by six percent as well as their experience by five percent for thirty minutes. While some players may feel that this potion is useful due to this small buff to experience, it doesn't make leveling as quick as one would think.

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Besides this, the dodge that it also gives the player is unlikely to happen due to how low of a chance it is. The weak version of the Third Eye may still be used though players are more likely to be rewarded with these potions and therefore will never have to use their materials to make these Elixirs.

4 Blue Quality Gear Isn't Worth The Resources

A player looking at a Magic Chest Armor in Diablo 4

In addition to players not upgrading the key they receive at the start of the game, another pointless set of equipment to upgrade is any armor the player finds that is blue – also known as Magic – quality or lower. While this gear can have some decent stats on it, players won't have as much power as they would if they were to use Rare armor which can be identified by its gold coloring.

Even then, many players may wish to hold off when using their resources at a Blacksmith until they instead find legendary gear as this is not only stronger with arguably better stats. It can also possess a perk that could improve the player's build such as improving the player's resource recovery or offensive skills.

3 Upgrading The Stash Space Is Unnecessary

A player upgrading their Stash in Diablo 4

Players are likely to be collecting plenty of gems and other bits of gear while on their adventures in Diablo 4. Many of these items can take up valuable space in a player's inventory which would be better off being stored elsewhere. This is exactly what the Stash is for which can be found across every main city inn.

This space is shared across all the player's characters however, many players would argue that they are unlikely to use every slot inside the chest. For a hundred thousand gold the player can upgrade this stash to hold even more items, but with Blizzard claiming that they are changing how gems are stored, it is unlikely that players will be losing space anytime soon.

2 Any Weapon That Isn't Legendary Doesn't Need A Boost

A player looking at a Magic Weapon in Diablo 4

Armor isn't the only equipment that players are expected to upgrade in Diablo 4. The wide variety of weapons an adventurer is likely to find can also be taken to a Blacksmith with a couple of resources to make it even stronger. Once again players should be careful with what weapon they are upgrading as resources are incredibly valuable and therefore only certain weapons found in Sanctuary should be improved.

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While Rare weapons can be upgraded from time to time, it would be better for a player to focus their attention and resources on finding a Legendary weapon that is likely to demolish the player's foes. This once again comes with its own brilliant aspect that can make the weapon even deadlier.

1 Improving Jewelry At A Jeweler

Upgrading Jewelry at a Jeweler in Diablo 4

Some players may be unaware that even the amulets and rings they find in Diablo 4 can be improved, although this is done by the Jeweler and not the Blacksmith. It's arguably better for a player to be unaware as it's unlikely they will need to upgrade their jewelry very often due to finding better items regularly.

Players are unlikely to be focusing on their jewelry unless they are attempting to create the perfect build for their class. Therefore, it is best to avoid upgrading amulets and rings unless it's an incredibly overpowered roll that the player doesn't want to lose or a legendary item with an amazing aspect equipped.

Diablo 4 is available now on PC, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, PS4, and PS5.

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